What is a Self Managed Super Fund?
A self managed super fund ( SMSF ) or do it yourself super fund (DIY super fund) as they are commonly known is simply a superannuation fund that is owned, controlled and operated by members of the fund who are also required to be trustees (those who control the fund).
A Self managed super fund has less than five members and each member is also required to be a trustee. This means that the members are not only responsible for making all the investment and operational decisions for the fund but they are also ultimately responsible for ensuring the fund is run and maintained in accordance with a range of strict legal and regulatory requirements.
As a client’s of Navigate Self Managed Super Funds, we make sure you stay on the right side of the legislation to ensure your self managed super fund remains compliant with the various obligations and responsibilities you have as a trustee of your own retirement monies.
How to set up a Self Managed Super Fund
Setting up and operating an Self managed super fund is a major financial decision, as the responsibility for running the fund and complying with the law rests solely with you as the trustee.While self managed super funds are great for many people, they don't necessarily suit everyone. When deciding to set up an Self managed super fund, there are a number of things you should consider:
Do you want to take control of your super monies?
Do you have the assets and money to make the fund viable?
Have you compared the costs and benefits of running an SMSF with those of other retirement saving options?
Do you understand what's involved in managing your own fund and what it means to be a trustee ?
If you would like clarity to the above answers, call our office to make a complimentary apppointment with one of our self managed super fund specialist advisers to get the clarity you need to take control of your retirement monies.
How long does it take to set up a self managed super fund
It can take 2-3 weeks to establish a self managed super fund, however if you are seeking some advice on the appropriateness of setting one up or how to better make use of your monies then this may take a couple of extra weeks.
Self managed super fund Investment Advice
In today’s volatile environment, sitting in an investment or out of one can cost you a lot of money (either as a capital loss when markets crash or in an opportunity cost due to their rapid gains). Don’t risk your retirement savings, consult an expert on self managed super fund investments that can help you to remain compliant, minimise your tax and optimise your returns.
In our complimentary consultations we show you how investment professionals and the ultra high net worth family offices structures their self managed super funds to invest to profit from the current economic environment and how you too can benefit from their strategies and lower risk ensuring they optimise their tax positions, minimise risk of negative returns and grow their wealth for future generations.

Why Navigate?
Own Australian Financial Services Licence
We are an Independently owned Advisory Practice, with our own Australian Financial Services Licence which means we are not licenced by banks, industry funds or institutions who interests lay in keeping your super monies in their control. We are a Privately owned Sydney based practice dedicated to servicing the needs of Self managed super funds to invest in direct investments (cash, bonds, property and shares) to save fees, minimise tax and optimise your retirement savings.
Direct Investments Experts
Cut out the middle manager and own the assets (shares, property, cash and fixed interest) directly via your self managed super fund. This will not only save you on management fees but also boost your returns but ensuring you pay less tax to the ATO than what you would within a retail or industry super fund since you control the buy and sell decisions that lead to capital gains being cyrstallised upon the sale of your investments.
Specialist Self managed super fund AdviserTM *
Peter Alvarez is the senior adviser and founder of the practice