Direct Shares ownership in a Self Managed Fuper Fund


Many Australians are today increasingly aware that Fund managers, whether retail, wholesale or industry fund based, are all prone to the same flaws inheritant with a managed fund type of structure. That is, the inheritance of historical capital gains by all fund members (regardless of when they entered the fund) and the significant turnover of funds (buying and selling of shares) on any given year. This high level of buying and selling, generally between 30-70% of the entire portfolio of holdings results in higher transaction costs as well as higher levels of realised capital gains (generally higher level of tax payable) than what would be the case if you passively bought and held direct shares yourself.


Lower taxes from lower levels of portfolio turnover and lower fees from holding shares directly within your self managed super fund is what attracts many investors to set up a self managed super fund.


To determine the optimal number of shares and value of money you should allocate to shares within your self managed super fund, contact our office to arrange a complimentary appointment with an expert today.     

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